The Science of Aqua

Aqua's powerful cutting-edge technology prevents the creation of limescale deposits while it dissolves existing scale. The entire process is completely automated and maintenance-free, with no hidden costs. It saves money and resources by enabling limescale-free pipes and equipment sustainably.

Our products are eco-friendly, free from chemicals and salt, ensuring they will never change your water quality. Aqua is designed to faithfully serve users and benefit the natural world.

 Protection Process

Aqua electric limescale dissolver is mounted on the incoming water main, where it generates a powerful electromagnetic field between the poles. The field pulses between 7000 and 14 000 Hz. When water flows through the field, existing iron particles are set in motion at a high speed that breaks down lime, preventing it from creating deposits. Calcium remains suspended in the water, and the mineral content runs out through the drain. The method is both effective and environmentally friendly, as no salt or chemical additives are used in the process. It leaves the taste and quality of the water unaffected, containing all minerals after the treatment. Aqua's electromagnetic field technology is always 100% effective, as long as it is supplied with electricity. 

Aqua also dissolves existing deposits. The time this takes depends on the hardness of the water and the grade of scale. The first results are already visible a few weeks after installing Aqua. It may take 6-12 months to completely remove all existing scale, and some deposits may remain present over a longer period of time if the water is harder than 250 mg/L calcium. In heavily contaminated installations, Aqua may initially cause discoloured water and loose flakes of lime, and may give rise to clogging of strainers and nozzles. The product contains no movable parts and it is completely maintenance free with no hidden costs. Aqua can be mounted on pipes of copper, stainless steel, polyethylene, PEM or galvanized material. Energy consumption is insignificant (Aqua 2000: €2/year; Aqua 3000: €17/year; Aqua 5000: €27/year).

 Aqua automated limescale Protection Process

Hard Water

Calcareous water, also known as hard or limey water, is common everywhere. Scale deposits contribute to health issues connected to the growth of bacteria, and can cause serious diseases including Legionella. Marks on glasses in the dishwasher, tiles, showerheads, taps and other sensitive surfaces in the bathroom and kitchen are visible evidence of scale build-up. More serious problems occur when hard water is heated to high temperatures, creating invisible limescale deposits in pipes and on heating elements, such as in dishwashers, washing machines, water heaters, boilers and heat exchangers. Just 3 mm of limescale reduces energy efficiency by a staggering 20%. The buildup forms on heat exchangers in a moderately hard water area after just six months.  


Calcium is important to our health. Aqua was designed to create conditions where lime loses its tendency to form harmful deposits, while calcium and other minerals remain in the water.


Aqua’s automated dissolving process seeing
under a microscope


1) Water containing naturally calcium carbonate particles (large white marks) before treatment

2) Calcium carbonate particles partially dissolved 

3) Calcium carbonate particles completely dissolved

How does AQUA compares to the water softeners

Aqua offers impressing energy, health and environmental benefits at low cost. It provides a significantly higher grade of system efficiency compared to other traditional solutions like water softeners, heat pumps and boilers. In addition the complex expensive implementation of fabric improvement systems through LED lightning, glazed windows and wall insulation prove both costlier and less effective.

Aqua's patented technology has proven multi advantages.
Enjoy the best protection for less



Hassle-free completely automated 24/7 powerful limescale protection. Swedish Patented Technology.


HOUSEHOLDS: Protects a family home/small business premise including all appliances. No hidden costs after initial purchase.

BUSINESS: AQUA 5000 protects a hotel with 200 without any hidden costs. Increases value of capital investment.


HOUSEHOLD: €600/annually savings (energy, cleaning products, lower tear and wear of appliances).

BUSINESS: ROI already after 1 year: upto 50% of energy savings. 2-3 times longer lifespan of equipment, lowe service demand.


Significant carbon savings related to lower energy demand by upto 50%.


Affordable technology without any hidden operational or maintenance costs. Long lifespan of 15 years with uninterrupted highest level of protection performance.


COVID safe simple DIY fitting process done in 30 minutes, without any requirement for cutting pipes or plumber presence onsite.


Maintenance-free technology through the entire lifespan


Automated protection of the entire building from one point of installation. Aqua 5000 protects 200 hotel rooms. Protection capacity increased 3 times with parallel fitting.

Doesn't require floor space, mounted on the wall


Chemical/salt-free technology, allowing water to remain natural after the treatment.

Significantly reducing waste and lowering unnecessary scrappage by prolonging equipment lifespan.


Rich tasting water contains all minerals after the treatment

Eliminated breeding ground for the creation of toxic bacteria

Kind of skin and hair; improved eczema and dry hair condition



Demands regular supervising, measuring efficiency, adding salt, excess use of water, frequent maintenance.


HOUSEHOLDS: Annual running costs €200 (€100 salt + maintenance) + water charge (locally charges)

BUSINESS: Frequent costly maintenance. Daily large quantity feeds of salt and water. estimated annual costs in region of €10,000.


Expensive technology. Accumulates large operational costs (large quantities of salt & water feeds, regular repairs and maintenance, risk for leakage due to salt caused corrosion


Not reliable technology for efficiently lowering carbon emission due to questionable level of protection and energy savings


Expensive technology for purchase and maintenance. High level of operational costs (salt, water, maintenance). Risk for leakage, breakdowns, water supply interruption. Uneven efficiency protection level


Fitting requires plumber onsite - cutting of pipes, water flow interruption during lengthy installation and repetitive maintenance process


Requires regular expensive maintenance


Large commercial users require 1 softener per equipment, or a large size ion-exchange unit. Demand for constant supervision and assistance with salt feed.

Requires large floor space for the unit and salt storage


Discharging large quantities of salt into groundwater, polluting the environment

Demands large amount of water for internal regeneration process on daily basis.


Salt saturated water, not recommended for people with various health conditions: tasteless for consumption

Not always reliable level of the protection, risk for development of bacteria

High levels of salt in the water aggravating skin